Tio i topp i augusti. Titlar från militariaavdelningen

1) Sixten Svensson:
Borisprojektet. Århundradets största spionkupp. NSA och ett svenskt snille lurade en hel värld
2) Michael Herr:
3) Jeremy Scahill:
The Assassination Complex
4) Sean McMeekin:
The Ottoman Endgame. War, Revolution, and the Making of the Modern Middle East 1908-1923
5) Edward N. Luttwak:
Coup D´État. A Practical Handbook
6) Lawrence Wright: The Terror Years.
From al-Qaeda to the Islamic State

7) James Wyllie and Michael McKinley:
Code Breakers. The Secret Intelligence Unit that Changed the Course of the War
8) Stewart Purvis and Jeff Hulbert:
Guy Burgess. The Spy who Knew Everyone
9) Damien Lewis:
The Nazi Hunters. The Ultra-Secret SAS Unit and the Quest for Hitler´s War Criminals
10) Brian Lavery:
Churchill´s Navy
